Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life in General...

Okay, so I have decided to take a few small steps to change my life for the better. Six days ago, I decided to cut out one of my favorite things...Mountain Dew. Then I thought...why stop there? I decided to cut out one of my other favorite things, which is sweets. I have been married almost ten months and it has been so amazing but I have also put on a little weight. I decided that now is the best time to start taking better care of myself. On April 1st, I am having surgery to "check out my insides" as I like to think of it to see if there is anything unhealthy going on inside. Trent and I hope to start a family soon so my physician wants to make sure that everything is "normal." I keep telling myself that I want to be the healthiest I can before my surgery so that if everything goes well...we can start trying right away. I am ready to be a mother!!! :)

As for the rest of my life, things are good. My job is good, school is good, and my family is great. My sister is doing so much better. She looks AMAZING and I can't wait for April to get here so I can go with her to New York City to watch her perform at Lincoln Center. I am such a proud BIG SIS!!! Then, in May...Trent and I are going to Las Vegas for our first anniversary. I know that a lot of exciting things are going to happen here shortly so I want to be in the best shape possible.

I will keep you posted on my progress! Thanks for checking-in..... ;)

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