Monday, June 30, 2008

Visiting with family...

Okay, now that the busy weekend is behind us...I am ready for a mini-vacation. Trent, the kids, and I are going to visit my grandparents out of town this week. It will be nice to get away for a day or two and have some fun. We are also thinking of taking the kids to Holiday World in two weeks. We told them last year that we were going to take them but never got around to it so now we pretty much have to go! ;)

I haven't been to visit my grandparents since Christmas so it will be nice to go see everyone. I am looking forward to it...I hope they are! :) Get ready for us!!! LOL

Friday, June 27, 2008

Colts Day....

Well, today we were supposed to wake up early and join Kelie and her family at Butler University to enjoy a Colt's Day! Kelie won a contest at Kroger's where she could play football with some of the Colts players. However, last night I started feeling yucky and didn't go to sleep until aroun 6:30 am. Then I woke up about every two hours. :( So needless to say, we didn't make it to the Colt's Day! Kelie left a message and said that she got her butt whipped! LOL :) Don't worry Kelie...I don't play football either. I would have gotten my butt kicked too! LOL

I finally woke up out of bed and decided to get ready because I thought that would make me feel better. It did a little. Now, Trent and I are going to take the kids somewhere to make up for not going to Indianapolis. They were sad that we didn't go so we will either go to the park (it kinda looks like it is going to rain), Bogey's, or the movies. We haven't decided yet! Honestly, I am ready for another nap! :(

Tomorrow should be fun! Mandy will be here and we have a birthday party to go to then we are having a family cookout. It will be nice to get everyone together and spend some quality time together! :) Hopefully, I will feel better so I can really enjoy it and be a good hostess to everyone. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Hi Everyone! I am sure that each time you log in you notice different things added to the family blog page. Well, today I added the "status" section. If you look to your left right above the calendar is gives you a status of what myself or the rest of the family is currently doing. For Facebook fans, I love the staus headline where you can add what you are doing or just a tidbit of information to let others into your life. So I thought that when you log in you might want to check out the "status" section to see what is going on. Each day, if I don't get a chance to post a blog I might have time to update the status so you can keep track of us! :)

Hope you are enjoying the blog and have a great rest of the week! :)

Ready for F-U-N...

Well, now that summer is officially here...I am ready for some fun. The kids have been begging for us to take them back to French Lick to the hotel to swim and visit my grandparents. So next week we are staying the night and going to visit them. Also, in the next few weeks we want to take them to Holiday World so that should be fun too! :)

It is going to be a busy month or so with birthdays, cookouts, and fun things planned...the kids should have fun! Summer school starts back up in about two weeks so I am trying to have some fun before all of that starts again! :) I wish everyone a safe, fun summer!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Welcome Home Amira...

Well, tomorrow Trent and I will be going to Indianapolis to pick up our new niece. His sister, Amy, had the baby back at the end of May but it was only about 3 lbs. Now, it has gained a little weight to about 4 lbs. and they are sending them both home. She is adorable and Amy has been in the hospital for almost three months...I know she is glad to finally go home. She has been through a lot and ready to start her new life with her new baby girl.

We bought her a new car seat/stroller as a baby shower gift and we put it together tonight so we can use it to bring her home. It is adorable. We are all looking forward to the baby shower on Saturday. :) I wish nothing but the best for Amy and little Amira.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

One Month Anniversary...

Well, today is our one month anniversary!!! :) Trent and I have made it a month! LOL Trent had to work so we couldn't really do anything special but just having him in my life is special enough. Awww..... ;) I thank God everyday for having a loving husband and wonderful step-children in my life. That's all...have a great week!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Job Hunting...

So, I have been on the job hunt for quite some time. I knew that with the wedding coming up...the best scenario would be to wait until the wedding was over and we were back from the honeymoon. Well, now I am ready to go back to work!!! I have applied at a few places but no interviews. The one place I did get an interview...they said I was "overqualified!" UGH! :( How can I be overqualified and not have a job? Oh well, what can you do?

Astrology fans...mercury has been in retrograde since the end of May and will remain until June 19th. I am hoping that my luck changes after Thursday because retrogrades are a time of miscommunication and irregular happenings. Well, if you believe in that stuff??? Anyway, hoping my luck changes and I land a new job soon. A wise man once told me that for every $10,000 of salary that you have to wait a month!!! It has been about seven months so maybe that means an AMAZING job is in my future! LOL Stay tuned to find out...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Last Day of Freedom.... ;)

Okay, as most of you...Trent has his kids everyday that he is off work. Well, for the past week his kids have been on vacation with thier Mom's family. So needless to say we have had two days to ourselves to be newlyweds...go to dinner, hang out with friends, and just have some quiet time. :) Today, is the last day of freedom! LOL :) The kids will be home either really late tonight or early tomorrow morning just in time for Father's Day. Trent and I are living it up because we rarely get this chance. Last night, we went to dinner and hung out with friends...which is unusual because we never get to! Thanks Miranda and Antone, we had a BLAST! :)

So if you could all take a moment of silence for us....we would appreciate it! LOL :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wedding Pictures...

As most of you know, the wedding pictures are now online for everyone to view. I have been waiting for this moment for almost four weeks so that I could see all of the pictures from the rehearsal dinner, getting ready for the wedding, pre-ceremony, wedding, portraits after the wedding, and the reception. There are about 900 photos in all and they turned out SO good!!! :) I emailed most of you the link so hopefully you will get a chance to look at all of them, although it might take you awhile! ;) I wanted to post one of my favorite pictures so you can see it. Enjoy...

The Roxy Studio by Samantha McGranahan

Monday, June 9, 2008

Saving Flood Victims...

Okay, that sounds a little dramatic but did I at least catch your attention? Good! :) The title is true...Kelie and her family were stuck since Friday in my friend, Tosha's, house because of the flood. (Please see post entitled "Flooding in Indiana) They couldn't drive out because thier car was flooded so when I talked to them I told them that I could drive them back to Indianapolis. When I got there I saw poor little Tosha standed outside her house from afar, just waving. I politely gave her an "air hug" and waved to her. It was sad because she couldn't go anywhere by car! :( Sorry Tosh! Then, we packed all of the future Killu family in my car and away we good ole Indianapolis. They were happy to be home except for Madame Blueberry (which is what Kelie calls her) was still stuck in TH. Poor car! Kelie will be seeing you soon. I chalked everything up as my good deed for day! YEAH CORRIE! Just kidding...they would have done it for me and Trent. ;)

Now, it is storming again so I text messaged Tosha and she said that she was fine. Getting worried because I know this extra rain isn't helping matters much! :( Thank goodness that her house wasn't destroyed...amen! Well, please keep all those that have been affected by the flood in your prayers...they definitely need it! Thanks!

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Okay, so last weekend Trent's closet decided to fall down completely. Which baffles me because I have 10 times as many clothes as Trent in my closet and it is still standing. Go figure? Anyway, Mike (step-father) came over to save the day today and drilled some holes and voila...closet was back in working order. :) Trent asked for my help since many of his jeans are so heavy which I am sure played a part in the falling of the closet. So, I organized his closet with his help of course and decided to fold his "heavy jeans" and place them on top of the racks. I thought this would be better instead of hanging which I think will take away some of the heaviness that caused the fall in the first place. When I do something...I tend to want to do it right so we put all polo shirts in order, all pants, all sweaters, all know how I do it! LOL :) I even arranged them by color...dark to light. So now, he has no excues!!! ;) I even took a picture to share with you since I know my Grandma would be proud. In a few weeks, I will take another picture for you to see if he is keeping his end of the deal. Stay tuned....

Flooding in Indiana...

Well, I knew that it was storming really bad last night. I went out around 9:00 pm to take my husband to get his car and it was starting to storm then. However, it wasn't until later that it got really bad. I will let you in on a little dog, Ebony, doesn't like storms so when she hears the thunder, she barks! Oh, and she doesn't stop until the storm stops. So today...I am hoarse because I don't have a voice from yelling at her all night! LOL :)

Today, was the Gorman Family Reunion and just when my alarm clock was about to go off...Kelie sent me a text message saying that the reunion was cancelled. Turkey Run has no power, the roads were flooded, and the town was in a State of Emergency! Geez! To top it all husband (after getting home from work) slept through it all. He slept through the rain, thunderstorms, and even Ebony barking. How does he do that? Part of me would love to be able to sleep through anything but then again I don't think I would like it because then I wouldn't know what was going on around me! :) Oh well! My friend, Tosha, sent me a picture from her phone showing how flooded it was near her house. Kelie was staying there last night because of the reunion today but now they can't get out. :( Sorry guys! I checked out my window when I woke up and I don't see any reminance of a water, no flooding. My mom had texted me about the same time as Kelie and said that her work was closed today due to the flooding as well. She said "Don't go anywhere until you talk to me first!" So I call her when I wake up, and she doesn't answer. Now what I am supposed to do? I know she is sleeping! :) Well, that is about it for now. Trent and I have decided to make the best of it and cook-out. Nothing like being trapped at house with your husband! Awwww..... Stay tuned....

Friday, June 6, 2008

Christian's "10th" Birthday...

Okay, so I am trying to make sure that I update my site and this will be my second post of the day! YEAH!!! LOL :) See...I am really trying here! For those of you who couldn't attend Christian's 10th Birthday party I thought I would share a picture or two with you. Her theme for her birthday party was High School Musical.

The party was at an indoor pool at Fun Time Scuba. You never know this time of year if it is going to be warm, rain, or just overall "iffy" so we decided to have it indoors. Let me tell was HHHOOOTTTT in that place. I was sweating more than I think I have since high school basketball! LOL Oh well, for the sake of the children! ;) Anyway, she had about 10 kids show up along with some of the parents and overall everyone had a good time. She had asked for a pink, Nintendo DS along with High School Musical, Baby Palz, and Nintendogs DS games. She was thrilled to unwrap those gifts. Also, she got money (a lot I might add for a 10 year old) as well as clothes, makeup, and movies. She loved it all!!! The thing about Christian that I love is that she is not materialistic. Of course, kids love to get the toys they want but when I asked her months ago to write down what she wanted for her birthday she said...."Corrie, whatever you want to get me...nothing expensive because I know I will love anything that you get me!" Come can you not love her for that??? LOL

There was drama with her cake. I went to pick it up and they hadn't made it. Mind you...we had just gotten back from our honeymoon a few days earlier so I didn't go pick it up until about an hour before the party. NO CAKE!!! Ugh! :( So they decided to whip up something at the last minute and as you can see from the wasn't what I had hoped for. I wasn't very pleased but the thing with life is that the party must go on and I had to make the best of it. Christian never mentioned a thing and was just happy to have a cake.

Last but not least, I did want to mention that her birthday this year was a little sad for me. Last year, my friend Keri (who passed away from cancer in January 2008) had been at both Christian's and Santana's birthday parties. Even when none of my other friends could make it...she was there. This year was the first time that I didn't see her beautiful face sitting down next to the "adults" smiling and having fun. :( I miss her terribly and Christian even commented that she wished Keri was there. Keri, if you are listening...we miss you each and every day and I know that one day we will see each other again. Love you...HUGS!!!

Summer is here...

Well, today Christian and Santana left for vacation to Atlanta, Georgia. They are going with their aunt, grandma, and cousins. They seemed really excited and told Trent and I that they would bring us some shells from the ocean like we did for them from Hawaii. I know that they will have a good time and they deserve it since being in school all year long. Not to mention...we are having Christian go to summer school next month so this will be her only big vacation of the summer. We told them that we would take them to Holiday World this summer and they really want to go back to the hotel in French Lick too. Also, they really want to go back to Nashville, TN to see Mandy and swim in her pool as well. See a pattern here? LOL :) So we are going to try and do these things for them since we really didn't do too much last summer because I was working.

Tomorrow, Trent and I are going to the "Gorman Family Reunion" at Turkey Run. It should be fun because hanging around the Gormans is always interesting! ;) Dad sent me an email today to bring a side...not sure what I am going to take but I will figure out something. Trent would normally work tomorrow but he switched with one of his co-workers so now he has the day off and can go with me. YEAH!!! Also, since the kids will be gone we won't have them next Monday or next Friday and possibly next Saturday either. It is like a mini-vacation because Trent and I rarely get time to ourselves (Trent has his kids every single day that he is off work.) So needless to say, we are looking forward to the next week or so and are trying to plan something fun for the both of us to do. :) Well, hope you are enjoying the new family blog! Stay tuned....

Thursday, June 5, 2008

We're Married...

Hi Everyone! Trent and I are "officially" married!!! :) I still can't believe it. I am so happy and can't believe that I am "step-mom" as well. For the last three weeks, I have been enjoying married life and we had an AMAZING time on our honeymoon. I am attaching a picture from the honeymoon so you can see just how beautiful the scenery was while we were in Hawaii.

Can you believe how gorgeous it was there? I will have to give total photo credit to Trent. He took this picture on our last night. We were eating at the resort resturant called "Huma Huma" and he decided to take this picture at the last moment. The colors, the ocean, just everything seems so magical. I can't wait to go back....maybe for our 10th anniversary or something! :) Well, there is so much to tell so I promise to update as much as I can. Married life is busy!!! ;) Stay tuned....


First off, I want to welcome you to our new family page! :) If you know me at know that I love to blog but finding the time to do it is the hard part. I thought this would be a good way to update family and friends on what is going on with our lives and with my new family.
I hope that you continue to read our blogs and check out our pictures. I promise to try and update this page as much as possible!
