Monday, October 27, 2008


I still can't believe that Halloween is at the end of the week!!! Time has flown by this year. The kids are excited and ready to get some candy! :) Santana is going to be Spiderman and Christian is going to be a princess. We weren't very creative...we just bought their costumes at Wal-mart but that is what they wanted.

We have decided that after we go trick or treating on Friday...we are going to watch scary movies and eat popcorn. We didn't have them last year for Halloween so this is my first year being able to celebrate with them. Last year, we had them for Thanksgiving and Christmas but this year we won't so it will be an adjustment because last year was so much fun to have them wake up on Christmas morning and start shouting with excitement! ;) Of course, I will make sure to take pictures and post them for everyone to see the kids in their costumes.

Happy Halloween!!!

p.s. Can you believe that Christmas is only about two months away? WOW! :)